Navigating November: Unpacking My Relationship with this Month's Transformative Energy

November and I have a funny relationship. And that might seem odd to those who know that November is my birthday month. We live in a society that conditions us to celebrate our birthdays in a certain way, often filled with joy, cake, and celebration. Many of us grew up with this reinforced in childhood, where birthdays were synonymous with excitement.

So, it’s no surprise that many people assume my relationship with November must be magickal AF. And it is—but not at all in the way you might expect.

Every year, about halfway through October, I begin to feel a bubble in the depths of my being—a mixture of two-thirds anticipation and one-third keen awareness. It’s not anxiety, though it used to be when I was younger and hadn’t yet done the work to transmute it. Instead, now, it’s merely a powerful awareness and reminder from my inner guidance system of the energies that are coming—a preparedness, but not out of fear. It’s more like an act of protection. (And yes, protection can be fueled by love just as much as by fear—love for self, love for others.)

You see, November has historically been a month of monumental, life-changing transitions for me. Sometimes, that meant big changes or even necessary endings so new beginnings could emerge. For example, in November 2009, I experienced a severe electrical accident that left me with a traumatic brain injury. This event was a turning point; it ended my academic career but also marked the beginning of my current life and business, even if I didn’t fully understand it at the time.

I’m sharing this story not to focus on the past but to highlight the intensity of November’s energy in my life. That accident was one of many November events that brought transformation on a grand scale. And though it happened years ago, it fits into a larger pattern that has become obvious to me: November is a month of transition, change, and rebirth.

Now, let me tell you something about myself—I’m a natural at recognizing patterns. I always have been. Whether it’s the repeating design on a wallpaper, the cycles of nature, or the rhythms of people’s behaviors, I see it all clearly. This ability is as natural to me as breathing. And like most gifts, it has both its high points and challenges. One of those challenges is that once you see a pattern, you can’t unsee it. You can’t walk into a room without seeing the pattern on the tiled floor if you have noticed it before. And you can’t magickally unsee the patterns in the cycles and seasons of our existence once you know they exist.

Some people in the spiritual community argue that noticing these patterns means we’re “manifesting” events. But to that, I say, hogwash! Recognizing patterns is not the same as causing them. It’s actually an intuitive gift, something our ancestors passed down to help us navigate life safely. The real question is: what do we do with this awareness?

If we see a pattern and react with fear, we’re stuck in a cycle of repeating what was. But simply acknowledging the data—the information—without fear is empowering. It’s a way of using the universe’s wisdom for our higher good. Ignoring it, on the other hand, is much more dangerous because it leaves us vulnerable to repeating the same mistakes.

Take my relationship with November, for instance. I don’t fear it. I’ve lived through the changes it has brought, and I’ve come out the other side, often stronger. I now possess far greater knowledge and wisdom than I did during those earlier years. And with each November, I gather more data, more information that helps me recognize the transformative magick this month holds. It’s a disruptive kind of magick sometimes, yes, but it’s also full of potential for growth and rebirth.

Are you curious about the transformative energy of November? Check out this blog article talking a bit about it!  

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